dijous, 20 de setembre del 2012 (13:56)
Victor Vasarely
Painting Zirza A Tapestry Designed By Victor Vasarely For Tabard Aubusson
diumenge, 16 de setembre del 2012 (15:14)
The CityDNA series by chinese painter Lu Xinjian is so impressive. One of the best abstraction of cities based on aerial views from google earth. Usage of colors, forms and density is so powerful. It raises the question on my mind ‘would it ...
dimecres, 12 de setembre del 2012 (21:50)
Lygia Pape. Draws, 1957. Nanquim on japanese paper, 89x65 cm
dilluns, 10 de setembre del 2012 (22:43)
247 of 366
Bad Negatives 4
dilluns, 10 de setembre del 2012 (18:17)
#254 Dawn – A new minimal geometric composition each day
dissabte, 8 de setembre del 2012 (12:15)
qb (by sigilo)
Mapping App made with Cinder.2012
Roger Sodré
divendres, 7 de setembre del 2012 (23:57)
Poetic Cosmos of the Breath by Tomas Saraceno.
divendres, 7 de setembre del 2012 (13:40)
“The Things to do are: the things that need doing, that you see need to be done, and that no one else seems to see need to be done.” - Buckminster Fuller
dissabte, 1 de setembre del 2012 (12:30)
Calculated Movements, by Larry Cuba, 1985 via @v3ga
dijous, 30 de agost del 2012 (23:28)
dimarts, 28 de agost del 2012 (21:09)
dimecres, 22 de agost del 2012 (22:36)
“When you buy from an independent artist, you are buying more than just a painting. You are buying hundreds of hours of experimentation and thousands of failures. You are buying days, weeks, months, years of frustration and moments of pure joy. You a...
dimarts, 14 de agost del 2012 (19:39)
P-21 (band structure),1970,Manfred Mohr
dissabte, 4 de agost del 2012 (00:27)
Tahiti Pehrson,
University Of San Francisco. Jan. 13 – Mar. 3 2013 • Active Synchrony: New Work by Tahiti PehrsonIn “Active Synchrony” California artist Tahiti Pehrson introduces motion to the complex geometrical patterns in...
divendres, 3 de agost del 2012 (14:45)