dijous, 31 de maig del 2012 (23:20)
#152 Moons of Neptune – It is about time we touch my other obsession here: Space, astronomy and sci-fi. – A new minimal geometric composition each day
dimecres, 30 de maig del 2012 (18:34)
dijous, 17 de maig del 2012 (16:45)
pagaras by _roberthardgrave_ on Flickr.
dijous, 17 de maig del 2012 (16:44)
“Often, novel visual treatments are presented as innovative solutions. However, when the goal of a unique design is simply to be different, and the novelty can’t be specifically linked to the goal of making the data more accessible, the resulting v...
dimarts, 15 de maig del 2012 (20:31)
dwdesign: By Kilian Eng
dissabte, 12 de maig del 2012 (12:01)
divendres, 11 de maig del 2012 (11:01)
Pollacked Perlin (by Stinging Eyes)
dijous, 10 de maig del 2012 (02:02)
“There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept” - Ansel Adams
dijous, 10 de maig del 2012 (00:42)
Marius Watz - Thoughts on Code and Art: "Why are there no Great Digital Artists?" (#DIGART facepalm): mwatz:
The Creators Project are valiantly exploring the topic of The Digital Arts Market (Or Lack Thereof) through a series of useful articles and ac...
dimecres, 9 de maig del 2012 (09:01)
dahlia elsayed, some heavy indulgences [diptych], 2009
dimecres, 9 de maig del 2012 (08:59)
Human Tooth.
dissabte, 5 de maig del 2012 (23:34)
ohrtdi by atsushi kuba on Flickr.
divendres, 4 de maig del 2012 (18:21)
水火伝. 火,水之巻 / 杉菴志道 著 ; 下総守親典 校
(via moji)
divendres, 4 de maig del 2012 (15:39)
Raster DEM vs. TIN letslook4treasure:
A triangulated irregular network (TIN) is one of different digital data structures used in geographic information systems (GIS) for the representation of a surface. TINs are arranged in a network of nonove...
dijous, 26 de abril del 2012 (01:11)