dilluns, 5 de desembre del 2011 (14:44)
My monday morning early bird finds from de Barcelona flea market:"Barovier & Toso, Murano""Archimede Seguso, Murano""Kosta Boda" designed by Kjell Engman, Sweden"Royal Copenhagen" designed by Nils Thorsson, Denmark
dissabte, 3 de desembre del 2011 (19:44)
Estarémos con algunas cositas Vintage en el Mercadillo del Prat de Llobregat en plaza Pau Casals (parada 17) desde las 10 de la mañana hasta las 2 del mediodía. We´ll be selling some Vintage stuff on the flea market in El Prat de Llobregat at Plaza...
dijous, 1 de desembre del 2011 (16:08)
SigloVeinte CristalMadrid
dimarts, 29 de novembre del 2011 (07:46)
Mid Century Plate TURI-DESIGN Arden FF, Made in Norwayinternational shipping from Spainvendor: 92919660current bid: € 24.00 auction ends: december 3
dilluns, 28 de novembre del 2011 (12:42)
1970s desk fan / ventilador de sobremesa (huge, more than 50 cm high)30.00 EUR1930s Puzzle / rompecabezas 48 cubes with the maps of the continents + Spain/Portugal30.00 EURIf interested, send me an email - Escribe un email si te interesan
diumenge, 27 de novembre del 2011 (12:53)
Nice restauration job! They found this 1938 beetle on Lithuanian farmland and turn it into that:via SPIEGEL ONLINE
dissabte, 26 de novembre del 2011 (08:09)
Retrogradoc/San Luis 81Sevilla
dimarts, 22 de novembre del 2011 (18:39)
8.00 EUR25.00 EURS O L DIf interested, send me an email - Escribe un email si te interesan
dilluns, 21 de novembre del 2011 (20:12)
Maurice Calka Boomerang Desk, France, 1960svia 1STDIBS.COM
divendres, 18 de novembre del 2011 (17:19)
Fase Lamp 1960s-1970sauction at Setdart, Arenys de Mar (Barcelona)current bid: € 10.00auction ends: November 30
dimecres, 16 de novembre del 2011 (18:08)
1970s Table Lampinternational shipping from UKvendor: butgrapecurrent bid: £ 9.00auction ends: November 22
dilluns, 14 de novembre del 2011 (16:48)
The KulaSpitalfields Market, City of London, E1 6EW (Thursdays)
diumenge, 13 de novembre del 2011 (09:46)
10.00 EURS O L DS O L D If interested, send me an email - Escribe un email si te interesan
dissabte, 12 de novembre del 2011 (10:41)
The same week and just another Fase table lamp, a pair of them to be precise, wow!Some more stuff I purchased in the last two weeks:A 1950s school desk (pupitre) for our son.A suitcase from somewhere around the 1940s, I guess...
dissabte, 12 de novembre del 2011 (08:08)
My latest find, a 1970 Fase table lamp "Lunar", pretty rare and really awesome:)